The Journey of a Founder: Challenges and Overcoming Them — Part 2

Victor Barros
10 min readJun 9, 2024


Strategies for Overcoming Challenges

In the first part of this article, I explored some of the most common challenges faced by entrepreneurs, such as lack of capital, time management, and work-life balance. These obstacles are integral to the entrepreneurial journey and, although they may seem insurmountable, they can be overcome with the right approach. Now, in the second part, we will delve into practical and effective strategies that can help entrepreneurs navigate these challenges.

Overcoming obstacles in entrepreneurship requires more than just knowledge; it demands resilience, adaptability, and a continuous commitment to learning and growth. I will explore how mentorship and networking can provide crucial support, how flexibility and adaptation are vital in an ever-changing environment, and how continuous education can keep entrepreneurs at the forefront of their fields. Through real-life examples and practical tips, this part of the article will provide the necessary tools to turn challenges into opportunities for success.

Mentorship and Networking

The importance of having mentors and a solid network cannot be underestimated in the world of entrepreneurship. Mentors offer valuable guidance, help avoid common pitfalls, and provide unique perspectives based on their own experiences. Networking, in turn, is essential for opening doors, finding opportunities, and building relationships that can be fundamental to business growth.

  • Finding Mentors: Participate in entrepreneurship events, business fairs, and workshops. Online platforms like LinkedIn and specific mentorship programs (such as MentorCruise) are also great places to find mentors.
  • Building a Support Network: Invest time in getting to know people, not just to promote your business, but to understand how you can mutually assist each other. Networking is a two-way street.
  • Joining Communities: Join groups of entrepreneurs, both online and offline. These communities are rich sources of knowledge and support.

Eight years ago, I had the opportunity to join the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO). This decision transformed the way I approach entrepreneurial challenges. Sharing experiences with other entrepreneurs facing similar obstacles created an invaluable mutual support environment. The sincere discussions and lessons learned together shaped my vision and strengthened my resilience, making each meeting a source of inspiration and learning.

My journey as a mentor began seven years ago during the Global Student Entrepreneur Award (GSEA). This process not only provided value to the mentee but also offered immense personal growth for me. Each mentoring session was a rich exchange of experiences and knowledge, where both of us emerged stronger and more prepared to face entrepreneurial challenges. The experience was so impactful that I decided to continue offering and seeking mentorship through MentorCruise, a platform that has been a true game-changer in my career. Being constantly challenged to develop and learn, while meeting fantastic entrepreneurs making a difference in their fields, is a continuous source of motivation.

Connecting and exchanging knowledge and experiences is a critical factor in the life of any entrepreneur. The image of the lone entrepreneur in a garage, doing everything alone, no longer applies to the current scenario. Today, the world is a vast network of connections and information exchanges at lightning speed. This interconnectedness offers a wealth of resources and support that is essential for success. Understanding and leveraging these connections can make all the difference between struggling alone and thriving with the support of a global community.

Adaptation and Flexibility

In the dynamic and uncertain world of entrepreneurship, the ability to adapt and remain flexible is vital. Companies that can quickly pivot in response to market changes or customer feedback have a higher chance of survival and success. Adaptation is not just a desirable skill; it is a necessity to maintain relevance and competitiveness.

  • Monitor the Market: Stay attuned to trends and changes in your sector. Use market analysis tools and stay informed through relevant content channels.
  • Continuous Feedback: Regularly collect feedback from your customers and stakeholders. Use this information to adjust products, services, and strategies.
  • Rapid Experimentation: Adopt a rapid prototyping approach. Test new ideas on a small scale before a full launch.

The maxim that “time is money” has transformed for me into “time is opportunity.” The greatest opportunities today are within the reach of ordinary people from the comfort of their homes. One of the key factors determining success now is the speed and quality of execution. In a world where information circulates at lightning speed, understanding changes and anticipating movements has become a critical factor. After more than 15 years in the education sector, I felt the need for an intense experience in a different field, seeking new challenges and learning. This need led me to Gringo, a startup in the automotive sector that had recently found its Product Market Fit and was experiencing rapid growth.

The transition to Gringo was one of the greatest challenges of my career. Moving from a sector where changes occur at a slower pace, often taking months or even years, to an environment where transformation is daily required constant adaptation. In the automotive sector, especially in a fast-growing startup, the ability to quickly adapt to new information, market trends, and user feedback is vital. This meant being in a continuous state of learning and adjustment, re-evaluating strategies and processes almost daily to ensure the company remained agile and competitive. Flexibility became an essential skill, and I learned to value the ability to change direction quickly based on new data and insights.

Over the past three years, this constant adaptation and flexibility in the face of sectoral changes, competition, and user needs have become the essence of my work. Facing a constantly evolving market taught me the importance of being proactive, anticipating problems, and finding creative solutions. Each day brought new challenges and opportunities, and the ability to remain calm and clear-headed under pressure was crucial for navigating this dynamic environment. This experience reinforced the importance of having a clear vision while also being willing to adjust that vision as circumstances change. Collaborating at Gringo provided me with a deeper understanding of the importance of adaptability and prepared me to face future challenges with more confidence and resilience.

During the bootstrap phase of Eskolare, we had the opportunity to successfully identify a significant market pain point and launch a solution within less than three months. This was the beginning of a large digital commercial education ecosystem. Our ability to quickly analyze the problem and leverage existing solutions to create a larger solution was crucial. Working under pressure to deliver rapid results taught us the importance of being agile and efficient. Focusing on the real needs of users and developing a solution that effectively met those needs allowed us to gain traction quickly. This experience highlighted the importance of rapid, high-quality execution and how these characteristics are fundamental to the initial success of a startup. Agility and a focus on solving real problems were key to our initial success, establishing a solid foundation for future growth.

Continuous Education

In the business world, continuous learning is essential. Entrepreneurship requires constant updating of knowledge and skills to remain competitive. Investing in continuous education helps entrepreneurs innovate, improve their practices, and adapt to market changes.

  • Online Courses: Platforms like Udacity and Udemy offer courses in various areas relevant to entrepreneurs.
  • Regular Reading: Read books, blogs, and articles on business, innovation, and management.
  • Attend Workshops and Seminars: These events not only provide knowledge but also networking opportunities.

I am a big fan of distance learning and self-paced education. During the pandemic, I decided to dedicate myself to understanding and specializing in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence through the Udacity platform, which I consider one of the main repositories of high-quality, curated technology content. This decision was fundamental for me to deeply understand how these technologies will impact my businesses in the coming years. The knowledge gained not only prepared me for the changes but also gave me a competitive advantage in implementing these innovations in my ventures.

Furthermore, I have always valued learning through the experiences of other entrepreneurs. I dedicated much time to reading biographies of prominent figures in the technology sector, such as Steve Jobs, Peter Thiel, and Elon Musk. Although their figures may be controversial, their journeys are inspiring and offer valuable lessons. These stories serve as fuel, bringing new perspectives and variables to my daily decisions as an entrepreneur. I firmly believe that learning from the experiences of others enriches our own journey and better prepares us to face challenges.

To stay connected to the market, I organize myself annually to participate in relevant events and conferences. Choosing the best events is a major challenge, especially given the vast number of options available. However, these gatherings are essential for connecting with industry professionals and gaining insights that are often not easily found online. The direct contact and exchange of experiences in person provide a richer and more detailed view of the market, something I consider crucial for the success of any entrepreneur.

This proximity to the market allows me to observe trends and innovations firsthand, strengthening my ability to anticipate changes and adjust strategies proactively. During these events, I not only expand my network but also obtain valuable feedback on the ideas and projects I am developing. This creates a virtuous cycle of continuous learning and improvement, essential for maintaining competitiveness in a dynamic and constantly evolving business environment.

Staying engaged and updated requires effort and dedication, but the benefits are invaluable. The combination of self-directed learning, inspiration from industry leaders, and active participation in events strengthens my knowledge base and skills. This holistic approach not only enhances my leadership capabilities but also prepares me to face future challenges with confidence and resilience. By integrating these practices into my daily routine, I can transform challenges into opportunities and ensure that my businesses are always one step ahead.

Reading Suggestions

Throughout my career, I have read many books that have helped shape my approach to entrepreneurship. Here are some of the most impactful ones, mentioned throughout this article, which can offer valuable insights to other entrepreneurs.

1. “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson

A comprehensive and authorized biography of the life and legacy of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. Based on over forty interviews with Jobs over two years, as well as interviews with family, friends, colleagues, and adversaries, this book offers a detailed look into the brilliant and often controversial mind of Jobs and how he revolutionized multiple industries.

2. “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future” by Ashlee Vance

This book details the life of Elon Musk, exploring his contributions to technology and his impact on various industries, from electric vehicles to space travel. The biography provides a deep understanding of Musk’s ambitions and the challenges he faces as he works to transform the future.

3. “Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future” by Peter Thiel with Blake Masters

Although not a traditional biography, this book by PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel shares his ideas on innovation and entrepreneurship. Thiel offers a glimpse into his mindset and approach to business, encouraging entrepreneurs to think originally and create something new and valuable.

4. “The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon” by Brad Stone

This biography narrates the rise of Jeff Bezos and the creation of Amazon, detailing how he transformed a small online bookstore into one of the largest technology and retail companies in the world. The book offers insights into Bezos’s strategic vision and his relentless pursuit of innovation and growth.

These books not only offer valuable life and business lessons but also provide a deeper understanding of the journeys and mindsets of these great entrepreneurs. They are sources of inspiration and continuous learning, helping entrepreneurs shape their own journeys.


Implementing effective strategies to overcome the challenges of entrepreneurship not only can but certainly does make a significant difference in the success of a startup. However, this implementation requires more than technical knowledge; it demands courage, resilience, and an unwavering passion for what you do. Mentorship, networking, adaptation, and continuous education are not just abstract concepts; they are the foundations that support the structure of any successful enterprise.

Mentorship offers a compass in the midst of the storm, guiding and inspiring, while networking builds bridges that connect opportunities and resources. These human connections are the safety net that allows entrepreneurs to take risks, innovate, and grow. Without this network, the journey can be lonely and full of uncertainties. But with it, every challenge becomes an opportunity for learning and growth.

Adaptation and flexibility are the wings that allow entrepreneurs to soar amid constant market changes. The ability to pivot, adjust, and re-evaluate strategies in real-time is what distinguishes resilient startups from those that fall by the wayside. This continuous process of adaptation is not just a response to external circumstances but a dynamic dance with market demands, customer needs, and technological innovations.

Continuous education, in turn, is the fuel that keeps this machine running. Constant learning and updating are vital to staying ahead of the curve, innovating, and bringing new ideas to the table. The business world is in constant evolution, and those who do not keep up fall behind. The relentless pursuit of knowledge not only enhances skills but also revitalizes business vision and strategy.

As you apply these strategies, remember that the entrepreneurial journey is deeply personal and unique to each individual. The right path for one may not be the same for another. It is a voyage of constant discoveries, where adjustments and adaptations are inevitable. Facing these challenges with an open mind and a resilient heart can transform difficulties into incredible opportunities.

So, embrace each obstacle as a chance for growth, each connection as an opportunity for expansion, and each learning experience as a step toward success. Entrepreneurship is a journey of highs and lows, but with the right pillars, it is possible to build a solid and impactful trajectory. And remember, success is not just a destination but a continuous journey of innovation, adaptation, and constant learning.

If you are seeking guidance and wish to leverage my experience of nearly two decades as an entrepreneur and investor in various business contexts and sectors, I invite you to seek mentorship with me through MentorCruise. Together, we can transform challenges into opportunities and build a successful future for your entrepreneurial journey.



Victor Barros

Entrepreneur, geek, marathon runner, and hobbies from how to get a recipe for tomato sauce, nature, space exploration or AI